Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today was a fairly awesome day. I got up fairly easy (not a morning person) I got to work on time and I had an awesome day at work.  My co worker's mom got me a copy of Square Foot Gardening (I am helping them set up a system and went in on seed orders with them)  I have been meaning to get a copy for myself.  Today was rainy but the coming week is suppose to be rain free!!

I also found out I won a bar of soap from Pile O'Melays! How awesome is that?

PS- How are you liking or disliking the new background and layout?

1 comment:

Anna Marie said...

I like it, it has a nice cool feeling.

And I love square foot gardening- full of ideas that made me think: "Now why didn't I think of that". That book, along with Ruth Stout's work form the basis of my gardening theory.